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2019 cull ends.


This years cull in the Dorset zones has at last finished…but the supplementary one in the original North zones will continue until 31st January 2020 sadly.This of course mean that pregnant sows may be shot also suckling ones which means their cubs will die…how anyone can thinks this is right is beyond belief.
All of us from DBBW & Dorset Badger Patrol would like to thank all those that supported us in so many different way….patrollers,phone controllers,drivers,donators and of course a huge thank you to all the sabs at West Dorset Camp Badger who were as always a huge part of our fight against this cruel unscientific cull,we all of course hope that people who are working behind the scenes to get the Government to look at other methods to control Bovine TB in cattle will succeed.We will never give up hoping.Badgers are an iconic creature that deserves to be protected…the TB infection didn’t start with them…hence it is Bovine TB but they are being used as scapegoat.
We will continue to support farmers and landowners that already have their badgers vaccinated,also will welcome any enquiries from others who may wish to do so,they can always send a private message to facebook or twitter accounts,website or badger control phone 07388142697 and details will be passed confidentially to Dorset Badger Vaccination Project.

DBBW will continue to monitor setts all year round and hope the badgers are left alone to get on with their lives!
We will soon be resuming our monthly meetings all badger friendly people are welcome we always need more help!
Thank you DBBW

Cull 2019


This year in Dorset maybe up to 7,000 badgers will die in the unscientific government culls !

As no proof has come to light that badgers are to blame for the spread of Bovine TB….why carry on ! We have been informed Btb has risen in some cull zones…so the question is….is it all about Btb…or are there other agendas? Are they going for extinction? Is it not just dairy farmers involved…are others wanting the badgers killed off?

There is a new zone in Dorset now…so more or less that makes it the whole County is being culled!

DBBW have volunteers all over the county walking the public rights of way watching for any abuse of the licence laws,also making sure that any injured badger that may have escaped get to the safety of vets to help them…they do not all get shot humanly…and do not all die instantly !
If you think you can help please call the 24 hour Badger Office number 07388142697 …any abusive calls are reported to our Cull Liaison Police.

All donations received go to aiding our volunteers eg fuels costs.

We thank you all for your support over the last few years and hope that one day the scientists will be listened to and culling will be stopped…vaccination is the best alternative! DBBW

Facebook Fundraising Auction

Auction items have now been posted on ..please go and have a look and share to all your friends and family .All the funds raised will be used for various activiies such fuel for volunteers sett checking not just during the culls but all year round also we get called out day & night to collect injured badgers to get them to vets or rescues,we donate to vets ‘wildlife’pots as some don’t charge for wildlife! We also try when safe to go and check rtas that the public have reported in case of foul play.We support DBVP too.
If you don’t have facebook or don’t want to bid on any items you can still donate via the website.
Thank you.